To make your period more enjoyable, get mentally prepared by dealing with any mental barriers and trying out mindfulness exercises. Set a positive mindset and remind yourself that menstruation is a normal process. Embrace your period by seeking support from others and taking care of yourself. When it comes to physical preparation, stock up on […]
Pantyliners, also known as panty liners, are thin, absorbent pads designed to be worn in the underwear for various reasons. Here are some common reasons why people use pantyliners: Comfort Pantyliners can be incredibly comfortable when worn because they are made of incredibly soft, absorbent material. They are also lightweight and form-fitting, which allows them […]
In this informative video, Muthoni Monicah, a BcSN/RN/RH practitioner, dives into the topic of menstrual flow or the menstrual cycle. She addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding menstruation, aiming to empower young girls and women to embrace this natural bodily process without shame or stigma. Monica starts by explaining how menstruation is a normal and […]
A woman’s health is determined by many factors, not least among them being her menstrual cycle. Although the average female may associate her period with inconvenience and unpleasantness, it is in fact a powerful indicator of normal hormone balances, as well as anomalies that could be dangerous in the long run. In this article, we […]
Are you looking for natural ways to ease your period cramps and other PMS symptoms? If so, then look no further than ginger! In this blog post, we’ll tell you how ginger can help relieve your period symptoms and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your diet. Keep reading to learn more! What […]